Wednesday, May 23, 2007

You Little Rat

Mags, Chloe', Pick, and I went on a walk today. Pick by the way is our dog, part Beagle part - lets just say - not Beagle, the name Pick was decided when we got two cute little puppies instantly we wanted to name one Banjo, a wonderful name for a Beagle (Banjo was a full blooded Beagle), we no longer have Banjo, anyway, when we first got them and had decided on Banjo but needed a name for the second puppy our friend Andi said "every Banjo needs a Pick", so that's how we got the dog with the strange name. Apparently the strange name fits a strange dog. Maggie talks to this dog all the time, just carries on conversations with her like she will answer her. While on the before mentioned walk Pick kept walking into a small ditch to get herself a drink. All of a sudden Maggie tells her, "Pick don't be a rat. I know it's hard to be a dog, but sometimes you're a rat. But sometimes you're not, because you are in fact a dog, so ... (long pause) just don't be a rat." I don't know if this idea entered her head because the dog was drinking out of the ditch or what but I nearly laughed out loud.


Tina said...

You never know what that girl's gonna say....she's one in a billion, that's for sure!

Heidi Kellems said...

Her thinking and reasoning is just so logical!!

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