Thursday, May 17, 2007

Two Little Girls-Too Big!

Well the pre-school year is over and the pre-school/pre-K "Graduation" ceremony went off without a hitch. Tuesday night Noah's Ark was full of parents and grandparents, aunts, uncles, & cousins, and I even think a few animals from the Ark itself made an appearance. All the kids did great, much better than the practice sessions, much to the pleasure of all the teachers, including yours truly. Maggie's pre-K class actually had the graduation ceremony. They first filed in and stood across the stage and said the pledge to the Christian Flag and to the Bible, they then recited all of the memory verses that they had learned throughout the school year. Then they sang a lovely rendition of "Let Us Pray" & the butterfly song, I don't know the real name of it. After all that they filed out of the Sanctuary, and in filed the pre-school classes (3-4 year olds), they said the Pledge of Allegiance, recited their memory verses, sang "Zachaeus", "The Little Fishy Song", & did a lovely (though not all together) version of The Itsy Bitsy Spider. When their turn was over the Pre-K class was back again, this time sporting gorgeous royal blue graduation caps. They lined up in alphabetical order on risers and as the director of the Noah's Ark called their names they received their diplomas. Maggie and Chloe' both were beautiful, though Mags did look a bit funny in her graduation cap, it was down too far and was covering her eyelids. They both were so excited! Thank you to Mamaw Linda and Mamaw Barb (who came all the way from Tennessee to be at the BIG event), Aunt Tina, Uncle Kasey, Jax, Mason, & Owie, Bubby, Aunt Valerie, Macie, & Logan, and Uncle Tom for coming to their graduation. It means so much to have a wonderful family who are there for you, even the silly stuff. We love you all. I can't believe Maggie & Chloe' are so big already. If I think too long on it I'll cry, so no more on that!


Tina said...

It was a great time....thanks for inviting us! We love you!

Melissa said...

They grow up too quickly!!Love you