Thursday, May 17, 2007

Tina is 30!

Today is my baby sister's birthday. I say "baby", Tina is a whole 17 months younger than I am. We used to not get along so well. That's putting it lightly. When I tell the stories, I always add, "we weren't Christians back then". When Tina & Kasey got married and moved to Texas I suddenly missed her, and we became friends over the phone. I went to visit them one time while they lived there and when I came home I missed her so much, and was at a point in my life that I needed something different and I actually pondered packing up and moving there. But God had different plans for me, and for Tina & Kasey. They moved back home just a few months later. She and I are much closer than we used to be and I thank God for that. I can't imagine not having her for my sis. I love you Tina! Happy Birthday! Oh yeah and welcome to the 30's club!


Tina said...

Aww so sweet.

Staci said...

My 30's have been even better than my 20's...the only drawback has been that when I get older, so do my kids...I'm having a hard time having a teenager (soon) Happy Birthday Tina, belated of course because I'm a mess!