Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A "Picture" Perfect Place

There is a local bank that just has the most beautiful landscaping. Those of you in the community will know just what bank I mean. I had been wanting to use this as a place to play "photo shoot" . We like to play around taking pictures, sometimes they're pretty good pics, sometimes - well - not so good. Some of these turned out pretty. Being that this place is a bank I knew in order to do this we'd have to go on a Sunday or a National holiday. So last Sunday I made sure no one's outfits clashed too bad and after church there we were ready for the spotlight, which the sun so nicely provided in the middle of the day. We had to take all the pics in the shade. Anyway just wanted to share.


Trin said...

They are beautiful Cathy!! I just love your kiddos :)
Thanks for your comments on my blog :) I also remember my horror at being a "soccer mom", guess it's not too bad. I might even sign Stasia up. I would probably need your help signing up on time, if I haven't missed it already...

Melissa said...

Beautiful! Where is this bank??

Heidi Kellems said...

Wow that is definitely fitting for a wall hanging!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cathy! I saw your blog link on Tina's site. Wanted to say hello. Your kid's are so beautiful! You are very blessed with a wonderful family. Hope all is well with the rest of your family.

Good background too! Is the "bank" a nice white big one near CJHS????

Tina said...

That pic is gorgeous. But you could've taken it anywhere and it would've turned out just as cute because your kids are beautiful. But the bank's landscaping did come in quite handy ugh??

Perri said...

Hey, anytime you can get three kids looking remotely in the same direction - it's a great picture!

Staci said...

Beautiful picture! Nice landscape for it...you picked a good spot! The kids are kinda cute, too :)

Valerie Swartz said...

love the picture!!!! they are soooooo beautiful!!! love you all!