Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Maggie & Buck

Maggie is 5 years old and already we have issues with the males. She likes them, they like her, and it's really scarry! One of her beaus is a little guy named Buck (aka Eric). He is in her class at pre-school. When we started school there in January they had an instant bond. Buck's mom is also a teacher there so Chloe', Maggie, & Buck get to spend extra time together every day after school without any of the other kids around, so they are getting pretty close. Last Thursday Maggie's class went on a field trip to the zoo. I took a personal day so that I could go along. I am assuming that when we get to the zoo all the kids and parents will pretty much stay together and tour the zoo as a group. I was wrong. There were so many parents that we all just took our own kids and went off on our own. Any child who didn't have a parent there stayed with a teacher or just paired up with a friend. Well, of all the little girls there that Mags could have buddied around with she had to be with Buck, and the feeling was mutual. I was certain it would be a day of constantly reminding Maggie and Buck they are just friends and discouraging their romance. However, they were just like best buds all day. It was so cute! It would have been no different if Mags had been a boy with Buck or he a girl, they just had a great day being friends, being little kids. It really was very sweet! We have some really cute pictures of the day and over the weekend Mags and I made a little scrapbook for Buck to remember their fun together. She gave it to him at school today, he really liked it!


Andi said...

So tickled to see your blog! Loved the potatoes post, so sweet!

Tina said...

So cute. That girl better watch it!! Auntie T will lock her up till she's dating age...30 yrs old. She's to cute for her own good.