Monday, April 23, 2007

New At This

Well, I was persuaded today to join the ranks of bloggers by my sister, Tina who is very into it. So she helped me get it started and showed me the way of "The Blogger". I do like to write things down so maybe I will enjoy it. However, living way out in the the middle of nowhere makes it difficult and pricey to get fast internet access of any kind. So I have dial-up, ho-hum. We tried and tried today to load a picture, and it took FOREVER but I was finally successful, when I least expected it - at last - there it was.
This is a picture of Maggie and Chloe' at the church's Super Bowl party. Maggie was going for the Bears and Chloe' was torn - much to their father's displeasure - he was for the Colts all the way. I think they do it just to get under his skin! Even as young as they are they've already found the joy in teasing their daddy.

Speaking of Tina, I got to spend time with her and her wonderful little boys today. They came over this morning so that I could perm her hair. It turned out really good - she has curls! Mags and Chloe' had a great time playing with Jax, Mason, and Owen. They love playing with their cousins. Noah was at school and didn't get to play so Jax stayed and went to baseball practice with Noah and Uncle Eric.


Staci said...

Nice first post Cath...welcome! I love you and will see ya in the morning! BTW, check mine out. I have a little ditty about you and the girls...

Tina said...

Are you hooked yet?
Lovin' my curls!! Thanks for being a great sis! I love ya!!