Now on a different note meet Maggie my "middle child", I hate it when people use that term, but everything about her fits the profile. She definitely gets into more trouble than her brother & sister put together. She is just fearless! Mags has this outgoing personality that just draws people to her. She is way too "old" to be in a 5 year old body. If she can be with teen-agers or adults she will pick them any day over kids her own age. She cannot entertain herself, always underfoot, and right in the middle of whatever is going on. EVERYTHING is about the social opportunity! When she played soccer last fall, she was the only one on the team who never scored, she could care less. She was out there being seen by all, posing for photo oppts., and wearing a way cool uniform, that's all that mattered to her. Her pre-school teacher put it like this when she started school in January, "She is the sunshine this class has been waiting for all year."
Then there's my little Chloe', Chlo Bug. Somedays she wants to be the big girl and informs me that she' not Chlo Bug, her name is Chloe', and others it's the other way around. She is my shy little girl. She doesn't usually like to talk to people she doesn't know, and sometimes ones she does. She really doesn't care to go to school, she doesn't want to go to the sitter's, she just wants to stay home and play with her dolls. As much as Maggie cannot entertain herself, Chloe' can. She will sit in her room and play with her Dora dollhouse, or Barbies, or baby dolls for hours (literally hours) and you won't even know she's in the house. I don't know if she will ever be into sports that's just not her thing right now, she could play soccer this fall but I don't think she will. She could care less. However, she is very girly and if she could take ballet, I think she would jump on that (it's a little pricey though). She has been catered to a little too much and so we're having issues with whining and throwing tantrums instead of using words to get what she wants. Everyone thinks she is just this sweet little innocent angel, she is, sometimes, be careful looks can be deceiving!
All three of them are very loving. They love each other and they love us, they love all their grandmas & grandpas, aunts, uncles, & cousins, and all their church & school friends. We are trying everyday to raise them in a loving, Christ centered home. I only say "trying everyday" because it is truly that for us. Everyday there are new challenges, new battles with the world, we try to teach them that Christ is most important, above all else, but every single day it is trying, it has to be a conscious effort to not let the world come in a take over. Eric & I were both raised in loving homes, but neither of us were raised in Christ centered homes, so it's new for us, this parenting style, we didn't have an example, but we won't give up. God gave us these precious little people to help mold them into people who live for Him, that is what we try to do everyday. My prayer is that they grow up loving God above all else, and that He enable Eric & I to continue to grow so that we will be the examples they need.
Like it or not that little Maggie IS a MIDDLE CHILD. (many other labels come to my mind but Middle Child is a clear one) She's so stinkin' funny. And too too cute. The story of the paper from school made me tear up, so sweet. And that Chloe...she's the perfect little sister (like I was of course). She can take it and take it till she can't take it no more then LOOK OUT...Here comes some trouble!! I love it!!
Cathy - you guys are doing great at raising the kids. I truly think you will be a great mentor to moms at the women's clinic.
Noah's paper should prove to you that you are doing it right! What a great prayer.
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