Wednesday, June 6, 2007

We Walk by Faith NOT by Sight!

I just want to praise my God right now. I'm on a little bit of a high. We just got home from Wednesday night Bible Study at church and it was just awesome. Pastor Aaron finished his teaching of the book of Hebrews, the lessons have been based on Faith. He has been on this subject since January and wow. I truly have felt myself grow in Faith over the last few months it was just an awesome lesson. You know when your sitting in church and you have to try and stay awake? Not that this happens to me a lot, it doesn't, but you know what I mean. There is no way I could have slept. The holy spirit has definitely been present in these studies. Aaron has just been speaking with such passion on the subject. I have so looked forward to the lessons on Faith that I'm sad that it is over, not that we don't learn lessons on Faith all the time, but again, you know what I mean. Mine and Eric's relationship has changed so much just recently, because of this very study. Thank you Aaron for being obedient to The Father and for delivering His word with such conviction! Every Wednesday that I had to teach or be anywhere other than in the study for the past six months has aggravated me because I so looked forward to and anticipated the personal growth I have received with every Wednesday night session. I know the Holy Spirit is with me always and if I just stop for 5 minutes a day and pay attention I can get that renewal anytime I want it! Anyway I just wanted to share with you my sheer excitement just from going to church tonight. I love my God!


Heidi Kellems said...

I agree that this was a phenomenal series. I enjoyed it immensely.

Thanks for your comments and encouragement.

Melissa said...

How awesome! I'm going to miss the Faith lessons too....maybe we should just start it over (think Aaron would go for that?) :)

Trin said...

I totally agree, this was a great series!! I enjoyed every class my babies let me sit through :)
My faith has grown so much and I will miss these classes!

Thank you for posting this Cath, it was very uplifting and encouraging to me!!
Love Ya!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

awsome program 4 kidz