Thursday, August 9, 2007

First Day of School

First are the happy first day of school pictures. Noah and Maggie were all smiles, Noah, excited to return to his school for adventures in 3rd grade, and Maggie, a little nervous, but also excited, for Kindergarten. The next photo of Noah is after the first day of 3rd grade, he walked in the door and was starving, or so you would have thought by the way he started shoveling in this popcorn. All reports state that 3rd grade is "okay". When we picked Maggie up her teacher stated, "Be ready for a fight, she will not want to come back tomorrow." The report was that she was whiny, said her head hurt, and she wanted her Mommy-all day. Now, in all fairness, Maggie is going to a Christian school where she attends all day Kindergarten, a big change. As soon as we walked in the door she went straight to her room and crashed, hence the second photo of her. After an hour nap, it was time to go to Owen's birthday party. (Happy Birthday Owie.) She slept in the van all the way there. When we arrived, she was burning up. So now a little more sympathy for the whiny, Kindergartner, who just wanted her Mommy because her head hurt all day. She didn't move and barely said a word the whole party. Needless to say, she probably won't be going back tomorrow. P.S. Chloe' loved all the attention she received with Mommy and Daddy today without her brother and sister around.

Monday, August 6, 2007

The Boots

Maggie absolutely loves these purple snow boots. Never mind that the temperature is approaching 100 degrees outside. If she can get by with it this is what she's gonna wear. What a fashion icon she is, look out Paris runways!