Monday, July 9, 2007

Just My Eric and Me

So this week Eric's parents asked if they could take the kids AGAIN. I wasn't really thrilled with the idea. They had just been away from home for 3 days 2 weeks ago. They wanted to get them Tuesday and bring them back Saturday. I let them go but I was hesitant. I like taking my kids to see fireworks. I love watching their eyes light up. If they went that would mean that they wouldn't be with us for the 4th. Needless to say my 4th was a little boring. As far as fireworks go.
However, I had a wonderful time with My Eric while they were gone. I say My Eric because I'm not big on the gushy nick names, hubby is not usually in my vocabulary. I always address cards and gifts to him as My Eric. Anyway...He usually works so much we don't get a chance to go on dates. Since it was the 4th he was off on Wed. and Thurs. So we stayed on one big date. Wednesday morning we went to an early movie. He wanted to see Transformers. I was not thrilled with the idea. I guess he was a big Transformers kid. I gave in and that's what we saw, I wanted to see Evan Almighty. I was pleasantly surprised! I really enjoyed Transformers. The action was really cool, the story line was not boring, it is definitely not a movie about a "toy". However, caution to anyone with kiddos. It was so good, I would love to take Noah to see it, BUT I won't. The sexual stuff in it is too much. There are a few curse words but I didn't freak out about it, maybe 3 words in the whole film, not that that makes it okay, but it wasn't so over the top. The sex stuff though. There wasn't actually any "sex" in the movie, but the way they played up the teenage girls sexuality and sensuality is too much, the camera zooms in on all the right spots and she is pretty scantilly dressed through alot of the film, it's very suggestive. Also a conversation between the teenage boy and his parents about what he does in his room is ridiculous. They could have still showed everything that transpired in the teenagers relationship, without all the "stuff". They could take out about 3 minutes of "stuff" and it would be a GREAT movie. Unfortunately my son will have to wait about 10 years before he'll be allowed to watch it with my approval. Anyway back to my date. Then we went "window" shopping. Had lunch at Steak & Shake (we had coupons). Then we went to my mom's and hung out in the pool and hot tub, the only fireworks were the ones we could see in the distance from the hot tub. Thursday morning we went to see my grandparents, then went to work at the clinic for a few hours, went grocery shopping, then we decided to splurge and go to a movie - again. We went to the drive-inn and watched Evan Almighty. I thought it was tastefully done, and funny. Some have said that it is blasphemy. I'm sure they have their reasons for saying it, but the overall story still had a good lesson and like I said it was tastefully done. I think God has a since of humor and it was funny. If His story can be retold and changed just a little to be new and reach a new audience isn't that okay. Anyway, maybe it is, maybe it's not. So after that we stayed for the second movie Fantastic 4, I fell asleep, Eric said it was okay. Eric didn't have to go to work until 4 p.m. Friday so we continued our date with a fishing trip Friday morning. It was fun. I didn't catch a thing and he did, oh well, it was relaxing just to float around in the boat. When we went home he went to bed to have a nap before having to go to work for 12 hours and I went to town where events listed below occurred. I had a great couple of days with My Eric, I wish we could do it more often. I love you! Saturday morning I went to work at the pre-school to get some stuff done. My kids got home around 3:30. We were both so happy to see them, I keep so busy while they're gone that I don't realize how much I miss them till they're home. After winding down and telling us everything they did while they were gone, we all loaded up and went to mom's to go swimming. Thank you mamaw and Richard for the new swimming pool!

"We will listen and obey" Deuteronomy 5:27

On Friday I was in town and while stopped at a red light I noticed a homeless man holding a sign in the median of one of the streets of the same four way stop I was at. However, I was on the other side and so didn't think any more about it. Until a few seconds later, I glanced over again and there was Donnie, a friend from church, in his car, I looked just in time to see him hand the man something. Well then my light turned green and I was off. Or was I, I then, ALMOST audibly heard God say "Not so fast, it's your turn." What? I was up for the argument. That would be totally out of my way, I'd have to turn and go all the way back and then I would be in the wrong lane to be able to turn to get to where I want to go, and then after giving the man something, I'd have to go about 1/4 of a mile down the road before I'd be able to turn around again to get back on track to where I wanted to be. How many times does all that involve the word I? So before I get to the next turn around spot I'm convicted and I do indeed turn around. Then I start another argument. You're not supposed to give "these" people money. What if he has a drug or alcohol addiction? What if he goes and buys cigarettes with it? HIS response, again I could ALMOST hear His voice, "You just do what I said and I'll take care of the rest." So I did and I said "God Bless You" to the man as I handed the money to him, and I truly meant it. He smiled genuinely and said, " And you too." So I then turned in the wrong direction, went the whole 1/4 of a mile down the road to do my u-turn and was back on my way. Why had I argued at all? That moment made my day. It took a whole 6 minutes and $6.00 (which was all the cash I had on me), to do something nice for someone else, and to listen to, and obey my Father who always knows best. I hope you take time to listen today, and if He asks something of you, to obey.